Frequently Asked Questions

Questions About CHSA

CHSA was created in 1989 as an independent nonprofit by the City of Savannah, community advocates and business leaders to develop, finance and implement affordable housing partnerships with lenders, developers and property owners. CHSA funds affordable housing for modest and low income families in Chatham County.

In 2017, CHSA was certified as a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI). CDFI’s are mission-driven financial institutions certified by the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s CDFI Fund to expand economic opportunity in low-income and black and brown  communities.

CHSA funds projects that create or retain affordable housing throughout Chatham County. We provide technical assistance to property owners, secure investments for housing programs, and deploy funding for home repair and down payment assistance programs.

CHSA receives funding from government agencies, foundations, as well as private donations from both businesses and individuals to fulfill its affordable housing mission. To donate to CHSA, visit our donation page.

CHSA and CHSA Development are both overseen by independent boards of directors, composed of citizens of Savannah, local bank representatives, and neighborhood advocates. Executive Director Anita Smith-Dixon oversees both CHSA and CHSA Development.

CHSA Development, Inc. is a subsidiary of CHSA that manages the construction and development of affordable quality housing such as Savannah Gardens.

Community Housing Development Organizations develop affordable housing for the communities they serve and are certified by their local jurisdiction to receive funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). A portion of federal HUD funding under the HOME program may be set aside for CHDOs.

Community – Based Development Organizations are similar to CHDOs, and may be eligible to receive funding from Community Development Block Grants (CDBG). See more information at the Urban Institute.

Questions About Our Partners

No. CHSA has a strong partnership with the City of Savannah and works closely with the Housing and Neighborhood Services Department.

CHSA has administered the Savannah Affordable Housing Fund for the City of Savannah since its inception in 2012, in addition to its own CHSA Loan Fund.

SAHF is an innovative fund that was established in 2012 by the City of Savannah to address local housing needs and opportunities.
If you have a development project or innovative program, please call 912-651-2169 or email [email protected].

  • Rental or security deposit assistance – 2-1-1 or visit United Way.
  • Home owner repairs in the City of Savannah: 912-651-6926.
  • Home purchase program in the City of Savannah: 912-651-6926.
  • Development financing 912-651-2169 or email [email protected].

Housing Savannah Inc. was established in 2022 by CHSA to raise funding for the Savannah Affordable Housing Fund, and to educate and advocate for affordable housing in Chatham County. Please contact Housing Savannah at 912-651-6766, if you would like to donate to the SAHF.

The multi family dwellings(apartments) are owned and managed by Mercy Housing Southeast. Contact Savannah Gardens Apartments.

Yes! CHSA has partnered with many non-profits on affordable housing such as Mercy Housing Southeast, Chatham Savannah Land Bank Authority, the Coastal Empire Habitat for Humanity, Family Promise of the Coastal Empire, Neighborhood Improvement Association, and Chatham Savannah Authority for the Homeless. Please call us for more information: 912-651-2169.