CHSA Funds Homes

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On August 31, 2017, CHSA was certified by the U.S. Department of Treasury as a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI). CDFI’s are mission-driven private financial institutions who are committed to supporting low- to moderate-income and other underserved people and communities.

What It Means To Be A CDFI?

It means…

  • cdfi logoWe invest in local communities and the residents who live there by providing critically needed financing often unavailable from mainstream financial institutions.
  • We are certified by the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institutions Fund – known as the CDFI Fund. We share a common mission of serving low-income communities. CDFIs are commonly loan funds, credit unions, community banks, or venture capital funds.
  • We are part of a national network promoting economic growth in America’s underserved communities by financing businesses, creating jobs, and rebuilding neighborhoods.
  • We put the community first and value local, economic growth.